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By the time GoTN approved funds for the construction 60 FSTPs, it had already funded and commenced operations at the state’s first FSTP at Karunguzhi town panchayat. Additionally, TNUSSP proposed a demonstration FSTP at PNP-NNP town panchayats.

Construction of the approved 60 FSTPs commenced in mid-2019 in select ULBs. There are currently two functioning FSTPs in the state and further 60 FSTPs under various stages of construction.

TNUSSP has been involved in the design and construction of these upcoming FSTPs. The team has prepared type designs for treatment facilities and is currently providing quality assurance (QA) support in the construction and commissioning of FSTPs. To enhance efficiency and strengthen QA efforts, tools that leverage technology have been developed (e.g. Dashboard and Whatsapp groups).

In order to operationalise FSTPs, ULB officers and private operators will need to be trained on the commissioning, operations and maintenance of facilities. Service level agreements (SLAs) that define the desired degree and quality of functioning to safeguard against risks to public health, environmental pollution, and safety of personnel operating the plant, are in the process of being developed. In addition, standard operating procedures (SOPs) are being prepared to enable operators/caretakers to ensure effective and efficient performance of FSTPs.

As upcoming FSTPs become operational, mechanisms to govern and sustain optimal use of facilities will be required. In order to ensure this, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was developed for ULBs sharing existing or upcoming treatment facilities. This is the first such agreement in the area of sanitation to be institutionalised at the state level.

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