Across Tamil Nadu

TNUSSP supports GoTN towards successful implementation and scaling up of FSM to promote clean water and sanitation across the state. The programme also looks at creating and strengthening an enabling environment encompassing improved governance mechanisms, behaviour change & communication, capacity building for FSM stakeholders and mainstreaming inclusion.

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Across Cities – Trichy

To achieve 100 per cent sanitation goals of the city, TNUSSP has been providing sustainable septage management solutions to Trichy City Corporation. The team’s focus has been on the full cycle of storage, collection, transport, treatment, and safe disposal of fecal sludge.

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Across Cities – Coimbatore

Towns of Periyanaicken-Palayam (PNP) and Narasimhanaicken-Palayam (NNP) were chosen to implement FSSM as both towns are non-sewered to achieve total sanitation. The focus has been on skill development of people who work across the sanitation system and provide research-based solutions specific to fecal sludge management.

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Across Cities – Karunguzhi

Tamil Nadu’s first FSTP was set up in Karunguzhi Town Panchayat, in Kanchipuram district. Based on a cluster approach, the facility caters to the households in both Karunguzhi and Maduranthakam municipality.

It is a pioneer town in the state moving towards ‘safe sanitation’ by demonstrating improvements across the full cycle.

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Across Cities – Other cities