Across Tamil Nadu
Collection and Conveyance

In Tamil Nadu, the service of collection and conveyance of FS is largely provided by an established market of private operators. However, without adequate treatment facilities and mechanisms to regulate the disposal of FS collected, operators have had no choice but to resort to open dumping.
To ensure safe collection, handling, and transportation of FS, TNUSSP has promoted a regulated desludging model in the state. The model, as proposed to the GoTN, includes regulatory and financial mechanisms and options of a service model based on the customer and the community served.
An SLA was developed as a part of the regulated de-sludging model. The agreement seeks to regulate and streamline the collection and conveyance process across the state. The license, currently under final stages of GoTN review, mandates desludging operators to adopt proper desludging and disposal practices, and safeguard the health and safety of their employees during all water and sanitation projects.
Film on Septage Management for general public