
Muzhu Sugadharam Information Systems Application

Muzhu Sugadharam Information Systems Application assists in reporting on the status of implementation of the Government of Tamil Nadu’s Operative Guidelines for Septage Management, 2014. It enables ULBs to report data on key elements across the full cycle of sanitation. This app is part of an initiative that aims at improved planning and implementation of sanitation projects.

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TN Operative Guidelines

Karunguzhi De-sludging Tool

The Karunguzhi De-sludging Tool is an application designed by TNUSSP to implement a process of scheduled cleaning and emptying of household septic tanks by the Karunguzhi Town Panchayat. The tool creates an automated de-sludging calendar for each household based on the GoTN’s Operative Guidelines on Septage Management, thereby facilitating the TP to communicate to all households, the date and periodicity of desludging ahead of time. Through the process of capturing and maintaining accurate data on households with septic/holding tanks, tank measurements, date of last cleaning and volume pumped, the tool enables the Karunguzhi Town Panchayat to track not only the households but also private operators/truckers involved in de-sludging, and discharge of sludge at the Karunguzhi FSTP.

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Film on Septage Management for general public