Photo Stories
While the video stories highlights the issues of urban sanitation, photo stories by the Community Reporters feature ground reports of important happenings in the communities.

#voiceofchange: Story. Images. Sound. Edit. Using film as medium, community champions from Trichy have started a conversation on water and sanitation!

This initiative aims to narrate stories of communities from their own perspective, voice and vision through our #communityreporters and visual media #voicesfromground #beginningsofjourneys:

In the first of many workshops planned, #communityreporters explored the ropes of film-making for 5 days to bring you their unique stories around WASH.

Stories from the community deserve to be heard! Watch Divya’s film today at 5 pm!#communityreporter

#communityreporters Watch this space at 5 pm for Kanchana’s film on creating change, together!

#communityreporter Join Kannan today at 5 pm as he gives a peek into lives of sanitation workers.

#communityreporter Join Revathi today at 5 pm as she shows you methods of disposing menstrual waste!

#communityreporter Join Siva today at 5 pm to see a community’s amazing social media campaign to remove solid waste from their area!

#communityreporter Join Siva today at 5 pm to see a community’s amazing social media campaign to remove solid waste from their area!