The IIHS Practice Programme provides advisory services to national and state governments; public, parastatal, and municipal agencies; and international development agencies and private firms at the interface of human settlements and urbanisation. The IIHS Practice Programme seeks to critically influence and enable urban transformations.
The IIHS Practice Programme is supporting the government of Tamil Nadu (GoTN) and is the lead agency for implementation of the Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme (TNUSSP). TNUSSP is part of a broader vision of the GoTN’s ‘Muzhu Sugadharam’ initiative (Mission for Total Sanitation), focused on both solid waste management and sanitation. TNUSSP aims to improve urban sanitation in Tamil Nadu by demonstrating innovations in two urban locations of Trichy city and Periyanaicken-Palayam (PNP) and Narasimhanaicken-Palayam (NNP) near Coimbatore and then scaling it up across the state.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please fill the online application form by clicking on the “Apply Now” button at the end of the job description displayed on the website. Visit the IIHS website for more opportunities.
Please write to us at hr@iihs.co.in if you need any clarifications while filling the online application form.

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